1 Charrette

This initicial process is developed throughout several collaborative sessions and is originted with a visit to the site and its research, wich is intended to comprehend the natural elements that surround it and taking the most advantage of them.

During this stage the client and architect exchange ideas and collaborate to explore different possibilities, as a result the design concept and plan is developed.

2 Sketches

Thru de design process, sketches are used as a tool that establishes a visual dialogue for interchanging ideas with our client.

These drawings could be as simple as an outline with just a few lines and evolve along every session into a perspective or a complex architectural plan, which could contain extensive detailing, the use of natural elements or determine important visual endings… everything that it’s primal, significant, or outstanding for the project. During this phase, the different site regulations are studied, having as main purpose to fulfill the statutes denoted by law or by the development where it’s located.

3 Models

Virtual Model

Through the use of 3d models, the project can be studied in detail, allowing the architect and our client a better perspective of the spaces, their proportion and better understanding of the surrounding environment. This tool allows us to make the last necessary adjustments in the project.

Physical Model

In large-scale projects, it is also possible that a hand-made model is required, since it will allow to study how the volumes of the different buildings interact beetween them and their environment.

4 Design Review Process and Construction Documentation

During this stage, it is put into practice all the technical knowledge to develop all the necessary plans for the construction BID of the project and its construction. To accoplish a well rounded project in this stage where the information of all the consultants are review and coordinated , such as: interior, structure, MEP….

We have the ability to develop proyects thru the BIM process (Building Information Modelling Process), which can provide extra value in all the project phases (concept, schematic design, bidding, construction and manteinance).

5 Construction Administration

This stage can be done as our client considers more convenient. From involving ourselves by supervising our client’s leased/hired contractor, as constructing the building as it was projected, to recommending and presenting different proposals of contractors that could better adapt to the project and economic needs of our client’s.

In both cases, this stage of the process allows our customers to have qualified personnel, which will be present to resolve any doubts or problems that may arise during the construction of the project.

6 Forming Lasting Relationships

The development of a project is a privilege that we enjoy from the early stages to the delivery of the final product. To achieve customer satisfaction, its important for us to take time to collaborate with the cient and understand their needs.